Caviar Knowledge

Q: How to serve caviar?

Caviar is tender and fragile, so always be very gentle with it — lift it while spooning it out. If spreading, ease it softly. Always use a non-silver spoon. Before serving, let the jars sit outside the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes and open them just before use. Avoid cooking caviar as it may toughen. When adding it to dishes, incorporate it toward the end of the preparation. The recommended serving size per person is 0.5 to 1 oz., equivalent to 28 grams in an ounce.

Q: What spoon should be used for serving caviar?

Use a non-silver spoon as silver can impart a metallic flavor to the granules. Various options include spoons made of bone, horn, mother-of-pearl, or ceramic, specifically designed for caviar serving.

Q: How to open a tin of caviar?

To open vacuum-sealed caviar tins, avoid using your hands. Instead, opt for a butter knife or any thin-edged metal object to apply leverage under the lid. A quarter or similar coin can work as a makeshift opener.

Q: What does caviar taste like?

Good caviar offers a creamy, nutty, slightly salted, and unique taste. It's distinctive texture, where the eggs 'pop' on the tongue, provides a rich flavor and leaves a light maritime aftertaste.

Q: How should caviar be stored?

Store caviar ideally between 28°-38°F | -2 +2 °C to maintain its quality. Keeping it on ice in the refrigerator is the best method. Unopened fresh caviar can last 2-4 weeks in the refrigerator. Once opened, consume within 2-3 days. Freezing is possible but not recommended as it may toughen the roe membrane and alter the flavor. If freezing, start thawing early on the serving day.

Q: How is caviar shipped, and where does it come from?

Caviar is shipped in thermo-secure boxes with ice packs to preserve freshness for up to 3 days. Orders usually arrive overnight. Our caviar originates from a sustainable aqua farm in the Far East region, situated along the Amur river basin, supporting sturgeon species conservation efforts with the CITIES organization.

Q: What colors can caviar have, and what food pairs best with it?

Caviar colors range from golden brown to dark olive, varying even within the same sturgeon species. For delicate caviars like Kaluga sturgeon and Diamond osetra, enjoy them on blinis with crème fraîche or unsalted butter. Other roes like salmon or trout work well in sauces or as a topping for grilled fish due to their texture.

Q: What drinks pair best with caviar?

Popular beverage pairings include frozen vodka, Brut Champagne, sparkling wine, or dry white wine to complement the flavors of caviar.